Our Mission
Pansystems Phenomenal TCM helps to simplify the treatment of difficult dieases.
Optimum Health Care is to relieve the pain and suffering of our patients by using traditional Chinese practises in the forms of diagnoses, acupuncture, and medicine to provide long-lasting results and optimal health.
Herbal medicine
Dr. Tony Zhuo
Pansystems Phenomenal TCM
Dr. Tony Zhuo has 40 years experience in the art and practice of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Dr. Zhuo studied and researched with more than 100 famous masters of TCM. He also studied with Professor Xue Mou Wu, internationally renowned mathematician and founder of the Pansystems Theory. In 1990, Dr. Zhuo developed Pansystems Phenomenal TCM. Over the past few decades, he found a series of “Pansystems” treatment points, which led to a significant breakthrough in using TCM to treat difficult diseases. Dr. Zhuo has had remarkable success in treating conditions that are difficult to cure with conventional western medicine. He has helped thousands of patients to recover from tumour, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, metabolic diseases including hypertension and podagra, skin diseases including psoriasis and eczema, Parkinson’s syndrome, Alzheimer disease, serious heart, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, etc.
The pansystems model is the only form of TCM to bring together BianQue Diagnosis with XuanYan Acupuncture.
Herbal Medicine
Timing the use of prescription herbal medicine to match the evolution of the patient’s condition.
“Optimum Health Care is to relieve the pain and suffering of our patients by using traditional Chinese practises in the forms of diagnoses, acupuncture, and medicine to provide long-lasting results and optimal health.”